Home Maintenance
Home Maintenance Support - Laptop, PC, Mac
If you want your Laptop, PC or Mac maintained on a regular basis then PC Workshop has the solution. We can provide you with remote access and telephone support. Additionally, you will receive 2 x Full System Services per year as part of your agreement which would normally cost you £79 each.
Each Full Service also includes a Comprehensive Hardware Diagnostic ensuring that hard drives, RAM, motherboard and all other parts are working correctly. In the workshop we remove the dirt and debris which accumulates around fans, in the heatsinks and other components which can cause systems to overheat and wear out prematurely. We also clean and disinfect the casings.
The cost for the PC Workshop Monthly Maintenance Service Contract for home users is:
1 x Laptop/PC/Mac = £12 per month
2 x Laptop/PC/Mac = £20 per month
3 x Laptop/PC/Mac = £30 per month
4 x Laptop/PC/Mac = £40 per month
A Full System Service is carried out in our workshop but if you have a problem with your computer then a simple phone call will alert us and an engineer can connect remotely and quite often resolve the issue with the minimal of fuss and this includes wireless printers.
A Full System Service usually takes 1-2 days and we employ multiple virus/malware scans aa well as a manual check of the file system. All browsers are checked and antivirus programs are either installed or updated. Multiple file system integrity tests are done which ensure that your Operating System runs correctly. We also do a number of performance tweaks. Any old/outdated software is removed and the Operating System is updated where necessary.
If you have a hardware issue with your system then the cost of labour is covered by our maintenance agreement but you will be responsible for the cost of any parts needed.
The maintenance contract is a monthly agreement which you can cancel at any time. Payment is made via Standing Order which is initiated from your bank and you have full control of it.
We also provide free advice on any of your IT requirements. This type of support is designed for home users and workers from home, it is not designed to be Business IT Support.

For Windows Remote Support download our App Contact us to arrange a session first
For Mac Remote Support download our App
Contact us to arrange a session first